Monthly Archives: September 2008

And Now For Some Good News . . .

I’m sure there are many who would not see this as good news, but when I read about contracting credit in the lives of everyday people I was thrilled. Because I expect that many people would not share my positive … Continue reading

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Something’s in the Air

Some of the people I work with like to dabble in trading stocks. They keep tabs on the stock market and they like to talk about their experiences. Through all the turmoil of the last few months their comments have … Continue reading

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Happy 221st Birthday

221 years ago today the Constitution was signed. In honor of that, today is known as Constitution Day (and also known as Citizenship Day). Unfortunately, the Constitution is treated by many as an aging parent that may deserve our respect … Continue reading

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Three out of Four (ain’t bad)

What’s the point of having your own blog if you can’t toot your own horn occasionally? So this may be two weeks old, but I’m bored so I’ll share. At BlueOregon there have been a few "Punditology challenges" where they … Continue reading

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Rethinking the Electoral College

I have long been a staunch supporter of keeping the electoral college despite the weaknesses I see in having most states take a winner-take-all approach to their electoral college votes. The calls to abolish the current system in favor of … Continue reading

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Cultural Vacuum

I got thinking after Carl asked why I don’t talk about how the government should be focused on supporting the family. Carl is absolutely right that the no-such-thing-as-standard modern family is at the root of all of our social problems. … Continue reading

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The Other Side of the Sentiment

As I was walking to the bus stop this morning I saw an image attached to the garage door of one of my neighbors. I’ve heard/seen that sentiment before, but with all my thinking about the flag and the meaning … Continue reading

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Patriot Day

I appreciate the idea of Patriot Day as a way to mark our modern “day of infamy.” It is unfortunate that the event has been used so effectively to manipulate our politics. Once upon a time, America represented more to … Continue reading

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Bureaucracy in Action

If you’ve ever wondered why smaller government is better government just look at this: . . . the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture USDA tests about 1% {of slaughtered cattle} for BSE, or Mad Cow Disease. But Creekstone Farms wants to … Continue reading

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Third District Debate

I enjoyed going to the debate at the Sutherland Institute between Jason Chaffetz and Bennion Spencer. A one-on-one debate between the candidates is much different to attend than a “meet the candidates” kind of affair for city council when six … Continue reading

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