Monthly Archives: July 2008

When Mandates Are Not Optional

I generally do not favor government action that places a mandate on citizens. I don’t believe that it is the place of government to decide whether citizens should recycle or not, but if the options are between mandatory recycling and … Continue reading

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Progression of Transit

Hopefully the idea of growing into light rail does not come as a real surprise to anyone. {Darrell Cook}, executive director of Mountainland Association of Governments, said if the dedicated bus system linking Utah Valley University, Brigham Young University and … Continue reading

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Editing for BNN/Utah

I have been given the opportunity to function at the editor for BlogNetNews/Utah. That is not likely to produce visible changes to the site because the purpose of BNN is to remain neutral while providing an image of what’s happening … Continue reading

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Useful Denunciations

An interesting article on the European enthusiasm toward Barack Obama had this little gem of a thought in it: If Obama follows the sort of race-conscious policies he has faithfully supported for the last quarter century . . . then … Continue reading

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An Informed View of Congestion-Pricing

I always like to see when someone with lots more information and better credentials than me comes to the same conclusion on an issue that I have come to. In this case it is Michael R. Brown stating that Congestion-pricing … Continue reading

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Advocating a Utah Lake Bridge

One of the things that is good about Editorial boards is that when they are right about something they usually do a good job of defining and defending their position and they have the power of the press at their … Continue reading

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Republic of California

51% of California voters surveyed said they would oppose Proposition 8. I suppose it’s too much to hope that some seismic activity causes California to break off from the rest of North America and convinces the people of California to … Continue reading

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Self-Policing Lobbyists

Often lost in discussions about ethics legislation and lobbyist influence is the fact that there is a legitimate value that lobbyists can bring to the legislative process. I’m in favor of making solid rules of ethics for legislators and lobbyists … Continue reading

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Ambitious Pronouncement

I’ve already stated that I believe the goal of using only energy from clean, renewable sources is attainable but I think the Green Prophet might be getting ahead of himself. {Al Gore} said the goal of producing all of the … Continue reading

Posted in National, technology | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

American Citizenship

I really liked this Deseret News profile of a naturalized citizen. Airman 1st Class Elena Dulger’s face lights up the room when she talks about her first chance to participate in a democratic election. Dulger, 21, is taking her oath … Continue reading

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