Monthly Archives: April 2008

Myth Perpetuation

Just as our Task Force is getting started, NPR has a story on John McCain’s perspective on the issue. They outline his preferred approach – which seems generally right, and then they perpetuate one of the myths that might sink … Continue reading

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The Dread Disease Called Ease

With the news that is banned in Brazil because of some inappropriate blogging by someone, Lorelle makes this observation: I think bloggers around the world have become apathetic. Lazy. Uninspired. Dumbed down. Honestly. When the term echo chamber was … Continue reading

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Messed Up and Out of Touch

Okay, so the “messed up” and “out of touch” refer to two different things, but I think they both point to the kind of systemic problems that exist in our political system. In response to a post about the Bush … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 6

With the subject of the dangers of dissension between the states, I was very interested in Federalist No. 6. My interest stems from the fact that we have seen, and continue to see, the results of such dissensions – not … Continue reading

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I thought about the value of wandering as one of our neighbors walked past our house this afternoon. He was just out for a walk with his daughter and their dog. There are many possible reasons that might have prompted … Continue reading

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House Members on the Task Force

I wrote to the co-chairs of the HB133 Task Force asking for a full list of the task force members. David Clark responded with a list of all the task force members from the House. My current list of task … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 5

Federalist No. 5 again argues the value of union over confederacies of fully sovereign states. I see no reason to revisit the issue, but I did notice one very accurate prediction: Whenever, and from whatever causes, it might happen, and … Continue reading

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Bob Barr

Unless you are an active participant in the Libertarian Party, this is probably the first and last time you will hear that Bob Barr is exploring a run for President in 2008. Why do I bother to mention it – … Continue reading

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Health Care Task Force

I’m ready to start focusing on the issue of health care for Utah citizens. The legislature created a task force to study it. The Deseret News addressed the issue in an editorial today. I would like to know who is … Continue reading

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Federalist No. 4

Federalist No. 4 continues largely the same argument as Federalist No. 3. Number 3 was about how a unified government could best prevent other nations from justly coming to war against us. Number 4 focuses on the fact that a … Continue reading

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