Monthly Archives: February 2008

Polls Are Open

If you are registered and you haven’t yet – do. If you have already – encourage others to vote as well.

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The Real Standings

I can’t stand the way that the media has been talking up the Republican race is if it’s McCain’s to lose. The facts point to a race that is far from decided and less favorable to McCain than the news … Continue reading

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Round Peg, Square Hole

I could never have been called an enthusiastic supporter of John McCain, but the more I read about him the less I would like to see him as president. Everything about his life and his time in office shows him … Continue reading

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Confusing Parties and Family Values

I have long thought it rather incongruous that the party of the "values voter" (the GOP) was offering all the candidates with horrendous personal histories related to family values while the party favored by those who seem intent on eliminating … Continue reading

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Crunch Time

January was a very nice month for me as I was able to write every single day. Plenty of things have been happening in politics as the presidential primaries have twisted and turned on the path to next Tuesday. I’ve … Continue reading

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