Monthly Archives: November 2007

Issues To Vote On

While casting about for something to write today I began thinking about what issues are important to me. There are many political subjects I am interested in, but not always new material to write about. Sometimes there is discussion worth … Continue reading

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Smart Presidential Candidate

LaVarr Webb commented today in Utah Policy Daily on a great column by David Brooks at the New York Times called The Happiness Gap. Brooks was talking about the gap between how happy people are with their own lives and … Continue reading

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After We Vote

One of the greatest things about our country is what happens after we vote. Rarely is there any large shouting about unfairness – calls of “they stole the election.” Most commonly the prevailing attitude among those who continue to be … Continue reading

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The Government Hammer

My father-in-law is known for saying, “When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail.” Thomas Sowell talks about political crises created by Political “Solutions.” Government laws and policies, especially the Community Reinvestment Act, pressured lenders to invest in … Continue reading

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Missing the Mark

I was gone for most of yesterday so today I saw the mail I got yesterday including a voucher mailing “Who’s opinion do you trust?” On the pro-voucher side they list four prominent state and national Republicans and on the … Continue reading

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What is Our Narrative?

I found it interesting to read what Michael Barone had to say about politicians who were successful as they presented a narrative of where the country was an what it needed to move forward. Of our current parties and candidates … Continue reading

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Help Me Brainstorm

I ran into one of the candidates for city council today who happens to work in the same building I do. We took a few minutes to talk (politics naturally) and as we talked we realized that both of us … Continue reading

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Endorsements for Lehi City Council

The Daily Herald had an editorial today on what to look for in a candidate. I liked the criteria they listed: Candidates to be wary of: Have that “deer in the headlights look” Spout too many cliches Have too much … Continue reading

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