Monthly Archives: May 2007

David Koch

I discoverd David Koch I immediately went to look at his campaign sight because I was curious about this unknown candidate from my home state. One way that he has set himself apart from other candidates is that he has … Continue reading

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Our Constitutional Foundation

My preferred perspective about Memorial Day is that it is not simply a day to remember those who have given “the last full measure of devotion” but also a day to reflect on what it is they were protecting. To … Continue reading

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Moving Language

I attended another rally sponsored by C.O.S.T. to talk about the Mountain View Corridor (MVC). Any regular reader here will know that I am very much in favor of the positions advocated by C.O.S.T. and that I have very defined … Continue reading

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Connect the (U)DOTs

Two big red flags went up for me this morning when I read UDOT picks Corridor link. First, UDOT is not communicating very well. Second, the media coverage is allowing some misinformation to result from gaps in the story they … Continue reading

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Jim Gilmore

As a former Governor of Virginia and former head of the Republican National Committee, Jim Gilmore certainly has the experience and connections to make a credible President. His positions are reasonably vague so that he does not stand out from … Continue reading

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John Bowles

This took less than 10 seconds to decide. In fact, I never left the first page of the campaign site. John Bowles openly identifies with the values of the KKK. Endorsement is out of the question.

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Steve Adams

As I looked at Steve Adams I got thinking about some of the first things that a president has to do when they are elected. They have to choose a large number of people to fill high offices including cabinet … Continue reading

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What Makes a Good Candidate

I have begun to think about what attributes a good candidate should have. It started with the thought which has long prevented me from seriously considering running for public office, which is that I am not flashy. People do not … Continue reading

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Right Thinking

Townhall is not a place I have linked to before because much of what I see there is more partisan than I would care to pass along. Surprisingly today there are two articles there that give me hope that there … Continue reading

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Tommy Thompson

Tommy Thompson is an understated candidate. He does not enjoy the camera presence that would be very beneficial to his campaign but he seems to be a very capable leader and has a record of making things happen. He has … Continue reading

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