Monthly Archives: March 2007

Still Behind

It’s been a month since I noted how far I was from keeping up with the presidential candidates. In that time I have investigated four of the six that were then in my queue. I still have Joe Biden and … Continue reading

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Christine Smith

Like all presidential candidates, there are areas where I agree and areas where I disagree with Christine Smith. That said, this was possibly the easiest evaluation I have had so far. With positions such as “Immediately withdraw all U.S. troops … Continue reading

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Sam Brownback

Sam Brownback is a candidate who leaves no confusion on where he stands. His positions are clear and basically independent of what is or is not popular. I believe that we need a person with strong convictions to lead our … Continue reading

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Candidate Announcements

This 2008 election is already shaping up to be a different animal from previous presidential elections as far as how campaigns are run and how the media is involved. Over at Oval Office 2008 comes the suggestion that a candidate … Continue reading

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Interesting Idea

So, this idea of a Redesigned alphabet is apparently not new. I was intrigued by the alphabet shown on Northtemple but I but I was less impressed by the font I found from the comments under the original post. The … Continue reading

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