Monthly Archives: December 2006


I’m guessing that it will be normal for me to post less often during the holidays. Hopefully 10 day breaks will not be normal. Besides the obvious Christmas festivities and work, I have been doing very good with my running … Continue reading

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Michael Smith

With positions such as the desire to institute the draft for the Iraq war, I was not sure if I could consider Michael Smith as a legitimate candidate. Further investigation showed me a man who is as realistic about his … Continue reading

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George Phillies

I have finally found another candidate whom I can endorse unequivocally. His name is George Phillies. He has a solid understanding of politics and a clear agenda which can appeal to a majority of voters. George is highly educated (PhD … Continue reading

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Mike Gravel

Mike Gravel is a candidate with lots of experience in politics as an ex-senator from Alaska. He even tried to get nominated as a vice-presidential candidate earlier in his career. I heartily endorse Mike Gravel as a candidate for President, … Continue reading

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Steve Kubby

Steve Kubby is running for president. That’s the only “positive” thing I can say here. Actually, I was wrong, he has the best looking MySpace page I have ever seen – it actually fails to look like psychedelic vision out … Continue reading

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John Cox

I was not sure what to expect from John Cox when I started me research. I had never heard of him, and without any of the titles in front of his name that are so common among the well known … Continue reading

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More to Come

I just discovered a good listing of candidates and potential candidates for 2008. The real surprise came as I saw that there are two Republicans, two Democrats, and two Libertarians who have all filed with the Federal Election Commission as … Continue reading

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Tom Vilsack

Tom Vilsack is finishing his second term as the governor of Iowa. He did not run for re-election. My research indicates that Vilsack had a vision for his state and in his eight years in office he succeeded in implementing … Continue reading

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I had not intended to suspend posting until I had done some research on the governor of Iowa, but that is how life played out so here, after four days, is some insight into the endorsement process. I freely admit … Continue reading

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