Monthly Archives: September 2006

For Sale: Senate Seat

Election season is upon us and that means I get to be entertained by campaign politics, which seems like regular politics on steroids. As I was looking at some of the close races being covered by the New York Times … Continue reading

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Bi-partisan Government

I read an article earlier today (can’t find it now, but that’s not important) stating that the likelihood of the House of Representatives coming under the control of the Democrats after the November elections has gone from being a long … Continue reading

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Cell-Phone Culture

Over the course of the last year I have become very aware of what I call our cell-phone culture. Let me preface my commentary by saying that I have nothing against cell phones. I used to have one, and the … Continue reading

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Good News for the G.O.P.

While I was just catching up on the news, I came across an article in the New York Times declaring that the rank and file memebers of the G.O.P. are not following the dictates of Karl Rove. I think that’s … Continue reading

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