Monthly Archives: September 2004


The DNC is busy making sure that Bush doesn’t win the debates on spin after the fact so they have made sure to send their followers to make their voice heard at the polls. Online polling is unscientific at best … Continue reading

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Cracking the Blocks

Thanks to I discovered the efforts of Colorado Democrats who hope not to be disenfranchised in the presidential election this year as reported in the Rocky Mountain News at the beginning of August. This is exactly in line with … Continue reading

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Some Real Issues

I thought this really shows the difference between “politics” and “issues” by highlighting some issues. I would add just one thing – if either candidate can give a simple answer to any of these issues I won’t believe him. Thanks … Continue reading

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Right Data – Wrong Conclusion

When the New York Times publishes an editorial I always read carefully. I do not agree with some of their columnists, but I have never disagreed outright with the columns of their editorial board – until they said that we … Continue reading

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Bad Logic

I know I’m a little late blogging about this because I have been at a conference this week, but . . . I have been hearing this argument that Sadaam was not a threat to us because Sadaam and Al … Continue reading

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